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Invest in Rwanda

Endless Possibilities Spread Across 336 Hectares at the Heart of Rwanda

Facts & Figures

A Regional Stable Economy:

Focusing on diversification and development of key sectors such as agriculture, tourism, services, and technology.

Strategic Location:

Member of the East African Community (EAC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), facilitating regional economic integration.

Political Stability:

Positive investment climate with policies promoting peace and security.

Favorable Business Climate for Investment

Streamlining bureaucracy, upgrading infrastructure, and boosting business efficiency, Rwanda attracts foreign investment through pro-business reforms.

Investment Incentives

Rwanda offers tax breaks, exemptions, and other financial incentives for multiple sectors.

Technology and Innovation

Pioneering the tech frontier, Rwanda’s Kigali Innovation City and robust ICT investments position it as a prime hub for technology-driven investments.

Infrastructure Development

Improved infrastructure, including transportation, energy, and telecommunications enhancing the overall investment environment.

Financial Sector Development

Building on its robust foundation, Rwanda is further strengthening its financial sector for increased investment appeal.


Glass Manufacturing

Rwanda, pioneering sustainable packaging since 2019 with a single-use plastics ban, now prioritizes glass manufacturing, actively seeking investments. With no local production currently, imported glass incurs high transportation costs, resulting in inflated prices compared to global markets. To tackle this issue, the government plans to assist in promoting localised float glass and container glass manufacturing.

Timber Processing

With ARISE IIP’s proven success in establishing a sustainable timber value chain in Gabon, we’re poised to replicate it in Rwanda. Timber processing, driven by construction growth and sustainability, offers strategic investment potential, contributing to crucial supply chains in infrastructure, housing, and furniture. Investing in sustainable timber management aligns with environmental priorities, promising attractive returns.

Construction Material

With infrastructure development projects driving demand for construction materials worldwide, investors can explore diverse segments such as cement production, prefabricated building components, and green construction technologies. Embracing sustainability and circular economy principles can enhance the competitiveness of investments in construction materials, meeting evolving regulatory requirements and consumer preferences for environmentally responsible solutions.

Waste Recycling

Investing in cutting-edge recycling infrastructure and technologies unlocks profitable opportunities by extracting value from discarded materials. From plastics and paper to electronic waste and organic matter, strategic investments in waste recycling can generate revenue streams. Rwanda offers avenues for material recovery, resource conservation, and production of recycled raw materials for manufacturing industries.

Agriculture and Agro-Processing

Investing in agro-processing offers lucrative opportunities to capitalize on the growing demand for food and agricultural products. From farm-to-table, there’s immense potential to invest in the processing of high-value horticulture commodities. With advancements in technology and sustainability practices, investors can participate in ventures like organic food processing, tapping into a market driven by both necessity and consumer preferences.

Meat Processing

Investing in meat processing facilities aligns with the expanding global demand for protein-rich foods and convenience products. Strategic investments in meat processing can capitalize on economies of scale, technology-driven efficiency improvements, and adherence to stringent quality standards, catering to discerning consumers while fostering supply chain resilience and food security.

Garment and Textile

The garment and textile industries offer diverse investment opportunities across the value chain, from fiber production and fabric manufacturing to apparel design, production, and distribution. Presently, Rwanda heavily relies on garment and textile imports. Therefore, enhancing this industry presents an opportunity for import substitution to cater to domestic needs. The production emphasis will be on cotton processing and garment manufacturing, targeting local demand and potentially extending to regional markets.