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About BSEZ

Bugesera Special Economic Zone

Key Objectives

Raw Material Transformation

Our primary objective is to spearhead a transformative process in Rwanda by harnessing the potential of raw materials. Fueled by a commitment to sustainable development and economic empowerment, our mission revolves around unlocking the inherent value within the nation’s diverse array of raw materials.

Export Enhancement

Our goal is to significantly bolster Rwanda’s export landscape, catalyzing economic growth and fostering global competitiveness. We are committed to empowering our investors at the zone to unlock their export potential and contributing to the country’s overall economic prosperity on the international stage.

Import Substitution

Our central objective is to actively contribute to import substitution in Rwanda, thereby fortifying the nation’s economic self-reliance and reducing dependence on external sources. By identifying key sectors and implementing policies that encourage local manufacturing and innovation, we aim to create a robust framework for import substitution.

Increase FDIs Inflow

Our primary focus is on augmenting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows in Rwanda, recognizing the pivotal role it plays in fostering economic growth and development. We are committed to creating an investor-friendly environment and we aim to attract a surge of foreign capital into the country. By highlighting Rwanda’s untapped potential, robust infrastructure, and favorable business climate, we seek to position the nation as an attractive investment destination.

Employment Creation

Our steadfast commitment lies in catalyzing Rwanda’s job creation objective within BSEZ, strategically positioned to be a nucleus of economic growth and employment opportunities. Through the establishment of BSEZ, we aim to attract a diverse range of businesses, creating a vibrant ecosystem that generates a significant number of jobs for the residents of Bugesera District as well as the entire country.


Construction Progress


Single Window Clearance


Industrial Shed

Internal Dedicated Utilities

Estate Management

Police Station

Fire Station

Logisitc Zone

Residential Land

Sewage Treatment